Sabbath School Quarterly

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Second-Quarter 2021

  1. What Happened? Mar 27-Apr2

  2. Covenant Primer Mar3-9

  3. All Future Generations Apr 10-16

  4. An Everlasting Covenant Apr 17-23

  5. Children of the Promise Apr 24-30

  6. Abraham’s Seed May 1-7

  7. Covenant at Sinai May 8-14

  8. Covenant Law May 15-21

  9. Covenant Sign May 22-28

  10. The New Covenant May 29-June 4

  11. New Covenant Sanctuary June 5-11

  12. Covenant Faith June 12-18

  13. The New Covenant Life June 19-25

First-Quarter 2021

  1. Lesson 1 - Crisis of Identity. Dec 26-Jan1
  2. Lesson 2 - Crisis of Leadership. Jan 2-8
  3. Lesson 3 - When Your World is Falling Apart. Jan 9-15
  4. Lesson 4 - The Hard Way. Jan 16-22
  5. Lesson 5 - Noble Prince of Peace. Jan 23-29
  6. Lesson 6 - Playing God. Jan 30 - Feb 5
  7. Lesson 7 - Defeat of the Assyrians. Feb 6-12
  8. Lesson 8 - Comfort My People. Feb 13-19
  9. Lesson 9 - To Serve and To Save. Feb 20-26
  10. Lesson 10 - Doing the Unthinkable. Feb 27 - March 5
  11. Lesson 11 - Waging Love. March 6-12
  12. Lesson 12 - Desire of Nations. March 13-19
  13. Lesson 13 - Rebirth of Planet Earth. March 20-26

Fourth-Quarter 2020

  1. Education in the Garden of Eden
  2. The Family
  3. The Law as Teacher
  4. The Eyes of the Lord: The Biblical Worldview
  5. Jesus as the Master Teacher
  6. More Lessons from the Master Teacher
  7. Worship in Education
  8. Education and Redemption
  9. The Church and Education
  10. Education in Arts and Sciences
  11. The Christian and Work
  12. Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God
  13. Heaven, Education and Eternal Learning

Third-Quarter 2020

  1. Why Witness June 27-July 3
  2. Winsome Witnesses: The Power of Personal Testimony July 4-10
  3. Seeing People Through Jesus' Eyes July 11-17
  4. Prayer Power: Interceding for Others July 18-24
  5. Spirit Empowered Witnessing July 25-31
  6. Unlimited Possibilities Aug 1-7
  7. Sharing the Word Aug 8-14
  8. Ministering Like Jesus August 15-21
  9. Developing a Winning Attitude Aug 22-28
  10. An Exciting Way to Get Involved Aug 29- Sep 4
  11. Sharing the Story of Jesus Sept 5-11
  12. A Message Worth Sharing Sept 12-18
  13. A Step in Faith Sept 19-25