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Who invented the three basic Covid rules to protect us?

1 - Distance 

2 - Hand hygiene

3 - Using the mask

Did you know? These laws were given to the nation of Israel 3,500 years ago. So look it up in the Bible! 

1 - EXODUS 30: 18-21 - Wash your hands

2 - LEVITICUS 13: 4, 5, 46 - If you have symptoms, keep your distance, cover your mouth and avoid contact (Isolation).

3 - LEVITICUS 13: 4, 5 - Who is infected must remain in quarantine for 7 to 14 days

And there are still those who doubt that the Bible is a book of wisdom !!!


Medical Evangelism:




Quarantine Health Message from the Bible:



  • Wash your heart with Christ's blood. (Psalm 73:1)
  • Keep a social distance from evil. (Job 28:28)
  • Avoid the crowd of wickedness and wicked men. (Psalm 1:1)
  • Cover your mind from being infected from the sneeze of sin and hatred.(Lev 19:17)
  • Do not shake hands with abomination.(Deut 25:16)
  • Do not hug heresy and false teachings.(2 Pet.2:1)
  • Be safe so that you will be saved. (Jer 17:14)
  • Sanitize your life with the Word of God. (Psalm 1:2)
  • In case you notice any symptoms of sin, call the helpline of Christ in PRAYER.(Jer 33:3)
  • Always remember to boost your spiritual immunity with Faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (Jude1:20)

Stay blessed! Stay safe!




Drinking Water: Useful Facts.

Drinking water at certain times, maximizes its effects on the body:

1. Two (2) glasses of water after waking up - helps activate the internal organs

2. One (1) glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion

3. One (1) glass of water before bathing - helps to lower blood pressure (who knew that ???)

4. One (1) glass of water before bed - can prevent stroke or heart attack (good to know!)

5. In addition, water at bedtime also helps prevent leg cramps at night.

6. The leg muscles look for moisture when they contract and wake you up with a Charlie Horse (calf cramp).

