Discover Bible School

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Discover Bible School and Seminars Limited

Are you interesting in receiving Bible study guides and lessons to rekindle your faith in the Bible? If so please contact the following people to arrange for the lessons to be mailed or delivered to your house.

Kerry Schoonmaker: Phone 609-610-3591, e-mail

Linda Lundberg: Phone 202-351-9491, e-mail -

*Please do not send any spam messages to materials not related to Bible Study.

"Those self-sacrificing, consecrated ones who render back to God the things that are His, as He requires of them, will be rewarded according to their works. Even though the means thus consecrated be misapplied, so that it does not accomplish the object which the donor had in view, -the glory of God and the salvation of souls, - those who made the sacrifice in sincerity of soul, with an eye single to the glory of God, will not lose their reward." Testimonies Vol.2 Pg 519

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